Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Good news and less-good news

So the less-good news is that neither of the two phone calls from unknown numbers this afternoon were from the chair of the local search committee calling to inform me that I was being offered the job. (Even though one was from the area code associated with the committee chair's home. Damn!)

The straightforwardly good news, though, is that the other one of those calls was in fact from the chair of a different, less-local search committee inviting me out for a campus visit. The grapevine had informed me that I'd probably be getting this phone call, but I didn't think I'd hear for another few weeks. Whee!

Of course, just to complicate matters, they'd like me to come between 1/17 and 1/26 because of hotel constraints in their city. And, because this is the way the world works, my family and I, all the little Pangeans, recently bought non-refundable tickets to Puerto Rico for a big family vacation to celebrate the 40th anniversary of my parents' honeymoon there, and I will be away until the 21st. For whatever reason, at Non-Local U they arrange for an extensive campus visit -- a day for travel, two days on campus (two days? really?) involving both a job talk and a sample class to be taught (and how do I get to be the professor who doesn't have to worry about lecture preps for a week because job candidates are coming in and teaching my class?), and another day for travel. So I'm thinking: 1) I'd better start preparing my job talk right now (can't use the one I just gave because the committee chair has already seen me give an earlier version of it) and 2) my kitties are going to be filled with pathetic longing and sorrow by the time I'm finally back.

So there you have it!


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