Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Better now

Clothing put away, most objects locatable, kitties have found new sleeping spots where they can pose adorably, endless trash and detritus left behind by slobby former tenants mostly gone, roof deck with lovely view of the city (including the national phallus) enjoyed at least 5 times. But still no real time to post, even though plenty of entertaining stories to tell -- this whole teaching thing takes up a lot of time, esp. when you have to lecture on things you, um, don't know all that much about. I will just say for now that living in Spookytown proper has actually significantly improved my quality of life -- I'm walking places every day (even walked to temple twice on Yom Kippur, which was maybe not so swift given the fasting thing) and running into people on the street (as opposed to isolatedly driving about) and commuting via public transportation and going to cafes and other good things just blocks away. In fact, as I said to Stovie on the phone the other day, I'm actually not totally hating living here. How 'bout that?

More later, once the 8 things at the top of my to-do list get taken care of.


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