Monday, November 06, 2006

How many ways can I say "small world" already?

Oh, I am still in "running around like headless chicken" mode -- between teaching on top of my "research" job, doing job applications (Fedexed out the last set today! also, see below), editing a special issue of a journal (this week marks the beginning of the "hassling contributors" phase), finishing revisions to my own article for said special issue, doing mundane apartment and I-just-moved-to-Spookytown logistical stuff, and travelling to the Netherlands, Chicago, and Philadelphia all within the last 2 1/2 weeks, I've been a little, um, busy. But not too busy to troll Craigslist for a tv stand so I can get my television off the dresser where the day laborers helping me move placed it and hidden behind the door where it belongs. Finally found a right size/right price stand yesterday and went down to southern Spookytown outskirts earlier this evening to assess and purchase it.

During the course of my "making pleasantries" conversation with the now former owner of the tv stand, it turned out he was from Delaware. "Really?" I said, "I have friends who grew up there. In a town that I guess is known for growing [unexpectedly smelly agricultural product]." "Hmm," he said, "are they from [Massacred Indian Place Name]?" (Massacred as in it is surely not pronounced the way it was in the original language, but now that I mention it, I'm guessing some literal massacres were involved as well.) "I don't know, let's see," I said, and promptly dialed Colliculus's number. Unfortunately he didn't answer until the second try, at which point I was already crossing the bridge back into S-town. But yes, people, my tv stand seller and Colliculus (and Prairie Landing, and several of my summertime beach house companions) are from the very same mid-Atlantic small-town paradise.

In other news, today I had a phone interview with the department where I am currently teaching (in addition to my "research" job) -- it's been suggested by friends that my teaching a class there this fall and there being a job opening in exactly my area of specialization perhaps not so much of a coincidence. This conspiracy theory was lent some credence by the day's events: the phone interview was from 3:00-3:30, and by 5:15 I'd already been called back and invited for a campus visit, making me one of three finalists. (I really should say "campus visit", since I'm there twice a freaking week already, but this is the special kind.) Looks like it'll be November 28th, so think good thoughts my way that day, ok? I have to say that I DO NOT LIKE THE JOB SEARCH PROCESS. Which is unsettling and upsetting and stressful in many ways. But nu, if I end up with a nice job at the end of it? Perhaps the pain will fade...


Blogger erma said...

Good luck! That's Lance's birthday, btw, but I'll be thinking of you, too. Also good luck with the local (to me) job. I'm putting in a good word for you whenever I get the chance. -e

10:46 AM  
Blogger Matt Goldrick said...

I was going to make a joke about Indian Massacres, but it's actually pretty hard to make one that's just not sad.

You will kick ass in your interview, as is your wont.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Pangea said...

You're too kind. Too, too kind. Hopefully I'll kick ass at my upcoming conference interviews later this week as well...

7:27 PM  

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