Thursday, May 11, 2006

Birds that I am newly fond of

Because they keep me company as I run around the lake that's right by work*:

1. The Purple Martin
2. The Tree Swallow
3. Canadian goslings (although if they were born here, I guess they maybe qualify for American citizenship?)
4. The Redwing Blackbird

Significantly nicer to look at and listen to than the stuff in my new window-free climate-controlled office. Feh. Meanwhile, Erma, I bet you didn't think about shoes for maybe 10 seconds when reading this post, huh? Such a good friend I am...

*I don't mean that I'm like a Disney Cinderella, with bluebirds fluttering about my blonde tresses and fetching my cloak. Just that they're all over.


Blogger Matt Goldrick said...

Oh, but if you were a Disney Cinderella....or perhaps Aunt Remus, singing Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah with your avian familiars.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Pangea said...

Great, thanks. Now you know just what song is going to be going through my head for the ENTIRE TIME I AM RUNNING TODAY. After I hug you next week, I may have to slap you upside the head. With love, of course.

3:44 AM  
Blogger erma said...

I bought 3 pairs of shoes this week, one on the internet. But none while reading your post.

I'm interested in knowing about this lake that you jog around, but that's probably too specific for the blog.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Pangea said...

Ok, Erma, I put in a link in the text. It's better than it looks on the interweb, though - seriously improving the quality of my life. There are all these interconnected trails running to it, and once you get to a certain point there is no traffic noise and just the lake and the sun and water lilies and a bullfrog (maybe two?) and twittering birds and me finally getting back into shape. People at work say things like "you're so disciplined!" but seriously it's like 80x better there than sitting in my office.

3:51 AM  
Blogger erma said...

Ah, it's a lake (and park) that post-dates me. "The park was developed during the construction of the nearby Washington Metro rail line." But it's been almost 20 years since I lived in the area, so it's really shouldn't be a surprise.

7:20 PM  

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