Saturday, June 16, 2007

Putting the Fun in Ft. Funston

Actually, as long as the weather is good, the fun is kind of always in Fort Funston, probably San Francisco's nicest beach. After some early-morning yoga last Saturday, Stovie and I headed off with his friend Soleil, in town from England for a wedding and to see California for the first time. This seemed as good a place as any to show her.
It was great San Francisco beach weather, which is to say I was only wearing three shirts and a scarf, but the kids managed with just two shirts and some rolled up pants legs.
There were lots of frolicking doggies (not pictured, sadly) and a horse even (also not pictured, sadly), and sand to get buried in,
and views to be looked at,
and pelicans to be watched,
and leaping about to be done,
although it definitely helps to have equipment if you truly want to stay airborne.


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