Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Things just get spookier and spookier

Well, after weeks of nothing to talk about, and all my energy being put into writing a highly theoretical article ("perhaps over-theoretical?" notes the ever-acute Hellraiser), an eventful morning:
1. The article - done! And sent away. Deadlines - so loathsome, but they do force you to actually accomplish something.
2. The conference abstract due today - done! And sent away. Btw, I'll be in Limerick for this conference for the first week of July, and then probably in some European country for a week or so after (or maybe even Turkey, which would be great), so those of you with time/inclination should consider joining me for some leg of my journey.
3. Apparently my polygraph, though three? four? hours long and filled with so very many reminiscences on my part of all the illicit activities I have been engaged in over the last 18 years, was not a failure, and I have now been officially deemed a good and trustworthy US citizen. Hooray? The perks are few, including a move to a basically windowless office (though this one I can maybe bike to, should check routes) and an inability to marry foreign nationals without getting said status revoked (ah, so very, very tempting).

I am all atizzy...


Blogger Matt Goldrick said...

Sweet! Cubed!!!

Re: Pointe the Second: I am probably going to be in Paris the last week in June...perhaps we can arrange a rendezvous before your Ireland trip? I have some friends (that you haven't met) that are thinking of jaunting around a bit after the conference.

8:50 PM  

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