Guest photographs
With J-ka's permission, I'm posting some of her Joshua Tree photos here -- I couldn't resist, as they so nicely complement my own (independent confirmation lends credence to claims of all sorts, even aesthetic ones, I think). We begin with the comedy: how many "taken by your right hand" pictures does it take to get three differently sized people looking ok in the same shot? Answer: clearly more than five.

At least you can feel the love.
Some more sunset shots:

This painful cholla attack shows that you should always listen to your sister.
Ocatillo lends itself to arty photographs,

as do cactus skeleteons.
J-ka also found herself taken with (bordering on obsessed with) this geologic formation she quickly dubbed the Miniature Wall of China (which came in various sizes of miniature: Mini, Medium Mini, etc.). Although it does look an awful lot like tiny, tiny people came and built a wee little wall running through the rock, it's actually apparently molten quartz and potassium that squeezed into rock fissures when still melted but then popped out some when solid again. A prosaic explanation, but still pretty cool.

Hey, I left that there, it's mine. ;)
this pangea character has failed to post the most explosive of all the photos from the first sequence. the only appropriate descriptor is "wee". here's fair warning, p. - post it or fear the wrath.
No, no, it's there! I just didn't repeat it -- go here
and scroll all the way down. It was the first one I posted, despite the horror.
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