Food? Or people?
I walk or drive by this eateria almost every day.
And every time I pass by, I think the same thing I always think when I see an anthropomorphized chicken: "Why do we do this?" In the last few years I've become, if not obsessed with, then at least really, really interested in anthropomorphized food.
Now I'm not vegetarian (although close, esp. at home), but it strikes me as incredibly bizarre that we would want to think of something we are preparing to eat as more human than it actually is. Aren't there, for most cultures, cannibalism taboos? Something like: animals and vegetables = food, humans = not food? So I would think the less human-seeming the food object, the more appealing it should be. But worldwide food marketing proves me wrong.
Even more bizarre, I think, are representations of inanimate food items that have been anthropomorphized such that they imply that the food item is so delicious it is about to eat itself. Here we have a street ad spotted in Utrecht this past summer.
And this napkin, taken from an ice cream parlor in my old hometown in Germany.
Lust auf eis indeed. But anyway, the idea of reflexive cannibalism seems one step further into weirdness. I'm keeping a file on this now, so please feel free to send me your pictures and anecdotes -- I'll post updates when there are new finds to be shared.

Even more bizarre, I think, are representations of inanimate food items that have been anthropomorphized such that they imply that the food item is so delicious it is about to eat itself. Here we have a street ad spotted in Utrecht this past summer.

That is really weird. I look forward to seeing any non-Germanic examples of these spokescannibals.
ha... in Mexico, and in the US southwest, there is a chain called Pollo Feliz, or "Happy Chicken." I always wondered exactly how happy those chickens were, spinning around in the broiler all day. On the other hand, they were delicious and cheap, so they made me feliz at least.
Seriously, how happy could those chickens have been? Did you check out the other delighted-but-soon-to-be-slaughtered animals spinning around in the lower right hand corner of their home page? All excellent examples, and, PL, completely non-Germanic.
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