Friday, January 18, 2008

The French are also guilty

A friend sent this link today, knowing I would enjoy the madness that lay within.

For those of you who don't feel like clicking, here is my favorite "creepy old ad" of the lot.
I'm not really sure what to say about this. It's less anthropomorphized than many other knife-wielding or self-serving (as in serving themselves on a platter) animals seen here on these pages. But way, way more gruesome. I mean, not only is it slicing itself up for the delectation of Frenchy omnivores, but it appears to be already made out of sausage -- so on the one hand, we don't see the ickiness of the sausage creation process (the stretching of the intestinal casing, the chopping and stuffing of the various flesh and not-quite-flesh parts, etc.) , but on the other hand, it's slicing itself up! And standing on the slices from what must have been a very very large sausage-pig indeed.

The ad reads, for those of you not so Frenchified:
"One eats with pleasure and....... without fatigue
the 'good sausages of the prodigal pig'!."
(Sausage fatigue is one of my biggest eating concerns, actually.)
It is apparently from some place called Avergne, and, somewhat less believably, has an absolute food purity. Because really, when it's straight from the pig's middle to your mouth, what could possibly taint it?

Sometimes I think that human beings are just unbelievably disgusting. Maybe it's time to go vegetarian again.


Blogger Ju said...

*audible gasp*

Though I'm not one to ever suffer from sausage fatigue.

10:07 PM  

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