Carrot frenzy
Well, upon receiving some rather exciting photos from the front, Colliculus has suggested that I start a blog, I believe his exact words were, wait, let me check, "You should start a blog." And what am I if not impressionable and easily manipulated? So here we go. Despite my, um, verbal nature, I really envision this as more of a photo-sharing medium than anything else. Lots to see, photograph, and comment on in this town, and I suppose this is how I will be doing it.
As is so often this case, it all began with a carrot. This carrot, which J-ka brought down from NYC as part of the move facilitation process. More on the carrot, and other photos documenting the move and its many, many ramifications, to come after I have returned from my first day of work in Spookytown, USA.
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